Monday, August 24, 2009

yet another beautiful piece from seveninch

no wow

polaroids from the kills.. (band for those of you who are silly enough to not love them)

nothing better than a good polaroid snap

Thursday, August 20, 2009

endless rain

note to self, next record to buy. 
can you put records on ipods..?


this is by designed by kouichi okamoto.
it endlessly plays the sounds of rain falling. 
circular grooves in the record make sure it doesn't stop. ever.


Ryan McGinley

Sunday, August 16, 2009

yesterdays news

Mark Geffriaud

my favourite Ryden's..

A selection of Mark Ryden.. Somewhat random together but each individual piece captivates me..

inward adventure

John Stezaker

oh wow

unhappy meal

Jake + Dinos Chapman


Grant Willing

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

lovely bones

here's some lovely pieces from taxidermy artist Kelly McCallum..

Monday, July 6, 2009

some bits and pieces from sarah moon.. she has a certain dark magic going.. a curious possession..

the beginning..

And when the body finally starts to let go let it all go at once not peice by peice, but like a whole bucket of stars dumped into the universe Whoooh! Watch it go! Good-bye small hands, good-bye small heart good-bye small head My soul is climbing tree trunks and swinging from every branch